About Us

Grace Baptist Church, an Independent, Fundamental, Baptist Church, was founded June 21st, 1981, by Dr. Ernest Hodge. Dr. Hodge, raised in the Bear Creek area between Avinger and Linden, led the church as pastor for over 30 years from 1981 until his retirement. He was instrumental in purchasing the land, building the church auditorium and fellowship hall, and was a loved and valued member until his passing in October, 2019.

After Dr. Hodges retirement, Brother Jim Withers accepted the call to pastor GBC in the summer of 2013 until his home-going December 29th, 2022. Pastor Withers will always be known as a man of God who loved his wife and family. He loved his church and the souls of men. Most importantly he had a testimony of loving his Lord.

Our current pastor is Brother Steve Zantjer. With a master’s degree in theology from Southern Indiana Baptist College of Dupont, in December of 2010, Brother Steve was ordained and sent from Wild Peach Baptist Church of Brazoria, TX under the Leadership of Pastor John Brewer. He followed the Lord’s leading to pastor Green Meadow Bible Baptist Church of Kalamazoo, MI for twelve and a half years. On Sunday evening April 30th, 2023, he accepted the call to Pastor GBC Gladewater. Brother Steve and his wife Amanda have been married since September of 2000. The Lord has given them four wonderful children who have all made professions of faith in Christ and are active in The Lord’s service.
Fundamental • Independent • Premillennial

Over 40 years with

The Same Bible – The Authorized King James
The Same Location – George Richey Rd., Gladewater
The Same Message – Salvation by Grace Alone

Our Purpose

Win the Lost, Baptize and Teach the Saved. (Matt. 28:19-20)

Schedule of Services

Sunday School 10:00 am
Morning Service 11:00 am
Evening Service 6:00 pm
Prayer and Bible Study 7:00 pm

We cordially invite you to visit any or all of our services.

The Official Website of Grace Baptist Church, Gladewater, TX

A Church is…

A Church is more than a group of people meeting in a designated location. A Church is a family of people, a called-out assembly of baptized believers, who love the Lord Jesus and seek to point others to Him.

We are…

Everything that is done here at Grace Baptist Church of Gladewater, TX is to lift up the name of our Lord. For over 40 years now this Church has stood upon the Truths of God's Holy Word as the Final Authority for all faith and practice.

God has…

By God's amazing grace many precious souls have come to know the Saviour and have grown in the Lord into mature children of God.

Pastor Steven Zantjer
Psalm 19:7-11